Primula vulgaris hybrids (primula)

Primula vulgaris hybrids (Primula)

Pronunciation: PRIM-you-luh vul-GAIR-iss

Family: Primulaceae
Plant type: Herbaceous Perennial, Flowering Pot plant
Zone: 4
Origin: Garden Origin
Mature size
  Height: 20-40 cm
  Spread: 30-60 cm
Form: Round
Texture: Medium
Habit: Dense
Arrangement: Simple, Basal
Shape: Oblanceolate, Obovate
Size: 5-7 cm
Margin: crenate
Characteristics: soft flexible, glabrous, pubescent, brown in fall
Colour: green 
Inflorescence type: solitary
Colour: showy, white, violet, blue, yellow, orange, pink, red, often bi color or tricolor
Size: 4-6 cm
Time: February - May
Fruit type: capsule
Colour: insignificant
Time: May, June
Exposure - full sun with moist soil, part sun/shade
Preferred soil - well drained
Landscape uses - bedding plant, container plant, group/mass planting, rock garden, winter interest, indoor plant, woodland margin
Propagation - seed
Comments - moderate water use, low indoor temperature, medium indoor light

Pests - aphids, mildew, mites, mold, root rot, rust, flies


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