Viburnum opulus (highbush, European Cranberry bush)

Viburnum opulus (European Cranberry bush)


Pronunciation: vye-BUR-num OP-you-lus
Family: Adoxaceae
Plant type: Deciduous shrub
Origin: Africa, Europe, Garden
Zone: 3
Mature size
  Height: 3-5 m 
  Spread: 3-4 m 
Habit: upright
Form: round vase
Texture: coarse
Exposure - full to part sun
Preferred soil - cool damp soils well drained
Landscape uses - screening, attracts birds, edible fruit
Arrangement: opposite
Shape: orbicular
Size: 2-4 inches long
Margin: dentate, pinnately lobed
Characteristics: 3 lobed maple like simple leaves, soft, flexible, pubescent, dentate
Colour: green
Inflorescence type: panicle like cyme 
vioph2.jpgColour: showy white pink
Size: clusters of 1 cm flowers
Time: April - June
Fruit type: drupe
Colour: red
Time: August
Description: multi stem
Colour: brown beige 
Propagation - seed, softwood cuttings (difficult) 
Comments - many cultivars with many different types of flowers
Herb, uses, benefits, side effects, cures, nutrients
Pests - viburnum leaf beetle 


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