Invasive Plants
Phalaris arundinacea (Reed Canary Grass)
Pronunciation: FAL-uh-riss uh-run-dih-NAY-see-uh

Plant type: herbaceous, grass like, weed
Origin: central Canada
Zone: 4
Mature size
Spread: <25 m
Habit: upright
Form: oval vertical
Texture: medium fine
Exposure - full to part sun
Preferred soil - acidic, bog, humus rich
Landscape uses - erosion control
Arrangement: alternate
Shape: linear
Size: 15 cm x 3 cm
Margin: serrulate
Characteristics: grass like, soft flexible, parallel venation, glabrous,
Colour: green, brown in winter
Inflorescence type: spike like, spikelet
Colour: pink, white, yellow
Size: 14 cm
Time: June to September
Fruit type: grain
Colour: yellow brown
Time: June to September
Description: herbaceous
Colour: green
Propagation - seed, division
Ranunculus repens (Creeping Butter Cup)
Family: Ranunculaceae
Plant type: Weed
Origin: E. Canada
Zone: 3
Mature size
Height: 10 - 20 cm
Spread: 30-60 cm
Habit: horizontal
Form: spreading, mat like, creeping
Exposure - all
Preferred soil - all
Landscape uses - invasive weed - removal and reduction, poisonous to deer
Arrangement: compound basal
Shape: trifolate, ovate
Size: 3 cm
Margin: entire
Characteristics: glabrous, pubescent, soft flexible
Colour: green
Inflorescence type: solitary
Colour: yellow
Size: 1 - 1.5 cm
Time: June - August
Fruit type: aggrigate, achene
Colour: green
Time: October November
Description: herbaceous
Colour: green
Propagation - seed, layering, runners, underground divistion
Comments - bad for deer, poison and kills fawn
Pests - slugs, snails, fungal leaf spot, mites, fungus
Rumex acetosella (Garden sorrel, Sheep sorrel)

Pronunciation: ROO-mecks uh-see-tuh-SELL-uh
Family: Polygonaceae
Plant type: Herbaceous Perennial, invasive, weed (horticulture)
Origin: Europe
Zone: 4
Height: 10 - 20 cm
Spread: 10-30 cm
Habit: Horizontal, spreading
Form, low mounded, round
Texture: medium
Exposure - full to part sun
Preferred soil - no preference
Landscape uses - medicinal herb, attracts insects, invasive weed
Arrangement: simple, basal
Shape: looks similar to an anchor, other, ovate
Size: 5 x 3 cm
Margin: entire
Characteristics: glabrous, two small points at either side of base
Colour: green
Inflorescence type: raceme
Colour: orange, red
Size: 1 mm clusters of round flowers on a spike like raceme
Time: April, May
Fruit type: Achene
Colour: Brown
Time: July
Description: Herbaceous
Colour: green
Propagation - seed, layering
Comments - modified rhizomes to enhance production and competition
Pests - slugs and snails
Lamium galeobdolon 'Variegatum' (Varigated yellow archangle)
Pronunciation: LAY-mee-um gay-lee-OB-doh-lon
Family: lamiaceae
Origin: Europe
Zone: 4
Mature size
Height: .4 - .7 m
Spread: >25 m
Habit: spreading
Texture: medium fine
Exposure - part sun and shade
Preferred soil - humus rich, well drained
Landscape uses - hanging baskets
Arrangement: simple opposite
Shape: ovate, rhomboidal
Size: >10 cm long x 3-5 cm wide
Margin: dentate
Characteristics: heavily veined, rugos, rhomboidal
Colour: variegated green yellow and white
Inflorescence type: spike
Colour: showy, yellow
Size: 4 cm clusters of 1 cm flowers
Time: April to June
Fruit type: Nut
Colour: Brown
Time: August September
Description: spreading
Colour: green
Propagation - runners, rhizomes, seed
Comments - can become very invasive and hard to eliminate
Pests - deer and rabbit resistant
Ilex aquafolium (English Holly)

Family: Aquafoliaceae
Plant type: Broadleaf evergreen, invasive
Origin: Africa, Asia
Zone: 7
Mature size
Height: 10-15 m
Habit: upright
Form: pyrimidal, horizontal
Texture: medium coarse
Exposure - full to part sun
Landscape uses - hedge row, security, screening
Arrangement: simple alternate
Shape:elliptic ovate
Size: 6 cm x 3 cm
Margin: undulate
Characteristics: glossy, leathery, lustrous
Colour: green
Inflorescence type: Cyme
Colour: not showy white
Size: 2 - 3 cm clusters
Time: March, April
Fruit type: Drupe
Colour: Red
Time: September October
Description: smooth with spines
Colour: grey
Propagation - seed, cuttings
Comments - deer resistant
Pests - leaf miner, scale, insect, blight, needle cast, cutworm, Caterpillar
Fallopia japonica (syn. Reynoutria) (Japanese Knotweeds)
Pronunciation: fal-OH-pee-uh juh-PON-ih-kuh
Family: Polygonaceae
Plant type: Invasive Plant, deciduous shrub
Origin: Europe
Zone: 5
Mature size
Height: 2-3 m
Spread: 7-10 m
Habit: upright
Form: oval, vertical, round
Texture: medium
Exposure - deep shade to full sun
Preferred soil - no preference
Landscape uses - invasive, treat with herbicides
Shape: ovate
Size: 15 cm x 10 cm
Margin: entire
Characteristics: glabrous, trunacate base
Colour: green
Colour: white
Size: 6 cm x .5 cm clusters of 3 mm flowers
Time: August September
Fruit type: Capsule
Colour: White Brown
Time: September October
Description: multi stemmed
Colour: Green
Propagation - seed, division, below ground parts
Comments - Royal Horticulture Societies take on removal
Pests - pest and deer resistant
Aigopodium podagraria 'Variegatum' (Gout Weed or Bishops weed)

Pronunciation: ee-goe-POE-dee-um pod-uh-GRAIR-ee-uh
Family: apiaceae
Plant type: Ground cover, herbaceous perennial, invasive
Origin: Europe
Zone: 3
Mature size
Height: 20-40 cm
Spread: >25 m
Habit: spreading
Form: creeping, mat like
Texture: medium fine
Exposure - all
Preferred soil - all
Landscape uses - ground cover
Arrangement: compound
Shape: elliptic, oblong, ovate
Size: 13 x 6cm
Margin: crenate, serrate
Characteristics: basal, odd pinnate, heavily veined, pinnate venation, soft flexible
Colour: green and white, varigated
Inflorescence type: Umbel
Colour: white
Size: >10 cm diameter
Time: June to August
Fruit type: Schizocarp
Colour: Brown
Time: July August
Description: smooth
Colour: green
Propagation - division of below ground parts
Comments - deer and rabbit resistant
Pests - fungal leaf spot
Buddleja davidii (Butterfly Bush)

Pronunciation: BUD-lee-uh duh-VID-ee-eye
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Plant type: deciduous shrub, Invasive - Horticulture
Origin: Garden
Zone: 5
Mature size
Height: 2-3 m
Spread: 3-4 m
Habit: arching
Form: upright, vase
Texture: medium
Exposure - Full to part sun
Preferred soil - well drained
Landscape uses - attracts butterflies, dry land, erosion control, fragrance, summer interest
Arrangement: simple opposite
Shape: lanceolate
Size: 12 cm x 3cm
Margin: serrulate
Characteristics: pinnate venation, soft flexible, tomentose,
Colour: green, pale underside
Inflorescence type: floriferous pannicle
Colour: showy, white blue, pink, purple
Size: 13 cm x 6 cm
Time: June - September
Fruit type: capsule
Colour: brown
Time: September to October
Description: exfoliating, stringy, moderately fissured, multi stemmed trunk
Colour: yellow brown
Propagation - seed, soft wood or hard wood cuttings, layering
Comments - deer and rabbit resistant
Pests - dieback, leaf spot, mites
Calystegia sepium (Morning Glory or Hedge Bindweed)

Pronunciation: kal-ee-STEE-jee-uh SEP-ee-um
Family: Convolvulaceae
Plant type: herbaceous perennial, vine or climber, weed, invasive
Origin: Europe
Zone: 6
Mature size
Height: 3-5 m
Spread: 4-5 m
Habit: arching, irregular, spreading
Form: climbing
Texture: medium
Exposure - filtered shade, full sun
Preferred soil - well drained
Landscape uses - invasive weed, do not plant
Arrangement: simple alternate
Shape: ovate
Size: 12 cm x 9 cm
Margin: entire
Characteristics: rounded, heart shaped, arrow shaped, soft flexible, glabrous
Colour: green
Inflorescence type: floriferous
Colour: white
Size: 12 cm diameter
Time: May - September
Fruit type: capsule
Colour: brown
Time: Oct, Nov
Description: vine
Colour: green
Propagation - seed, division, layering
Comments - very aggressive weedy vine that twines, leaves are heart shaped, flowers are large white and funnel shaped
Pests - pest and disease resistant
Cytisus scoparius (Scotch Broom)

Pronunciation: SIT-uh-siss sko-PAR-ee-us
Family: fabaceae
Plant type: invasive, deciduous shrub
Origin: Europe
Zone: full sun
Mature size
Height: 1.3 - 2m
Spread: 1.5 - 2m
Habit: stiffly upright
Form: round
Texture: medium fine
Exposure - rocky gravelly dry
Preferred soil - well drained
Landscape uses - don't.
Arrangement: compound alternate
Shape: lanceolate
Size: 1 - 1.3 cm x .3 cm leaflets
Margin: entire
Characteristics: trifolate
Colour: green
Inflorescence type: Solitary
Colour: yellow
Size: 1 x 3 cm
Time: may june
Fruit type: Legume
Colour: Black
Time: August, September
Description: lightly fissured
Colour: grey brown
Propagation - seed, but please don't
Comments - highly invasive plant. removal of plant often stirs soil, bringing seeds closer to the surface and causing more broom to germinate. The plants roots compact the soil around it and create an environment suitable to other weeds
Pests - deer, rabbit, disease, and pest resistant.
Daphne laurela (Daphne or Spurge Laurel)

Pronunciation: DAFF-nee lore-ee-OH-luh
Family: Thymelaeaceae
Plant type: invasive and toxic broadleaf evergreen
Origin: Europe, North Africa
Zone: 7
Mature size
Height: .7 - 1.3 m
Spread: 1- 1.5
Habit: dense
Form: oval horizontal
Texture: medium
Exposure - full to part sun
Preferred soil - moist, humus rich, well drained
Landscape uses - KPU says Floristry, I disagree because of its toxicity, it should not be used period.
Arrangement: Simple alternate
Shape: oblanceolate
Size: 12 cm
Margin: entire
Characteristics: toxic, if split, a toxic milky substance is secreted and can cause severe skin rashes
Colour: green
Inflorescence type: flowers clustered
Colour: not showy, green yellow
Size: .5 cm flowers in clusters
Time: March
Fruit type: Drupe
Colour: Black
Time: June to July
Description: woody with green herbaceous new growth
Colour: grey to green
Propagation - underground division, seed, rhizome
Comments - handling can cause respiration and skin irritation
Pests - rabbit, disease, and pest resistant
Vinca major (Bigleaf Periwinkle)
Pronunciation: VINK-uh MAY-jur |
Family: Apocynaceae
Plant type: Broadleaf evergreen, ground cover, invasive plant, weed
Zone: 4
Mature size
Height: 0.1-0.2 m
Spread: >25
Form: Creeping, mat like
Texture: fine
Habit: spreading
Arrangement: simple opposite
Shape: elliptic, oblong, ovate
Size: 3.8-4.5 cm long, 2-2.2 cm wide
Margin: entire |
Colour: green
type: floriferous, solitary, perfect
Colour: purple/violet, showy
Size: 3cm
Time: March, April
Colour: brown, green
Description: twiggy/herbaceous, smooth
Fruit type: follicle, aggregate fruit
Colour: insignificant, brown
Time: rare
Exposure - full sun, filtered shade
Preferred soil - acidic, well drained
Landscape uses - ground cover, perennial boarder, do not plant
Propagation - seed, cuttings
Comments -
- can be used medicinally with brain health by increasing blood circulation
Pests - pest and disease resistant, deer browse resistant
Vinca minor (Periwinkle)
Pronunciation: VINK-uh MY-nur
Family: Apocynaceae
Plant type: Broadleaf evergreen, ground cover, invasive plant, weed
Zone: 4
Origin: Europe
Height: 0.1-0.2 m
Spread: >25
Form: Creeping, mat like
Texture: fine
Habit: spreading
Arrangement: simple opposite
Size: 3.8-4.5 cm long, 2-2.2 cm wide
Margin: entire
Characteristics: glabrous, lustrous, attenuate
Colour: green
type: floriferous, solitary, perfect
Colour: purple/violet, showy
Size: 3cm
Time: March, April
Colour: brown, green
Description: twiggy/herbaceous, smooth
Fruit type: follicle, aggregate fruit
Colour: insignificant, brown
Time: rare
Exposure - full sun, filtered shade
Preferred soil - acidic, well drained
Landscape uses - ground cover, perennial boarder, do not plant
Propagation - seed, cuttings
Comments - medicinally used to treat diarrhea
- can be used medicinally with brain health by increasing blood circulation
Pests - pest and disease resistant
Hypericum calycinum (St. John's Wort)
Pronunciation: hy-PEER-ih-kum ka-LEE-sin-um

Family: Clusiaceae
Plant type: Ground cover, semi-evergreen
Zone: 6
Mature size
Height: 0.2-0.4 m
Spread: >25m
Form: mounded, oval, horizontal
Texture: medium
Habit: spreading
Arrangement: simple opposite, sessile
Shape: elliptic, oblong, ovate
Size: 2-2.5 cm wide x 6-7 cm long
Margin: entire
Characteristics: pinnate venation, rugose, rounded, obtuse
Colour: green, dark green with paler undersides in summer, green in fall
type: floriferous, flowers solitary, perfect
Colour: yellow, showy
Size: 6.9-8.1 cm diameter, 5 petals
Time: July, August, September
Colour: red, brown
Description: smooth
Fruit type: capsule
Colour: brown
Exposure - deep shade, filtered shade, full sun, part sun/shade
Preferred soil - well - drained
Landscape uses - dryland, erosion control, ground cover, mass planting, rock garden, summer interest
Propagation - seed, division - below ground parts
Comments - can be considered as nuisance weeds in farm land or gardens
- used medicinally in psychiatric medicine, can be beneficial with light or moderate depression and OCD
- has antibiotic properties,
"The little holes where of the leaves of Saint Johns wort are full, doe resemble all the pores of the skin and therefore it is profitable for all hurts and wounds that can happen thereunto." - William Coles (1626-1662)
Pests - pest and disease resistant
Betula pendula (Weeping, White, or Silver Birch)
Family: Betulaceae
Plant type: invasive plant, tree - deciduous
Zone: 2
Origin: Europe
Mature size
Height: 22-30 m
Spread: 7-10 m
Form: Oval, vertical
Texture: coarse, medium
Habit: upright
Arrangement: simple alternate
Shape: ovate
Size: 2.8-3.4 cm x 5.4-6.2 cm
Margin: dentate, serrate
Characteristics: acute, attenuate
Colour: green
Inflorescence type: catkin
Colour: brown, not showy, yellowish
Time: persistent
Colour: exfoliating
Description: white, grey
Fruit type: nut
Colour: brown
Time: persistent
Preferred soil - well drained
Landscape uses - shade tree, street, boulevard tree, invasive (frowned upon)
Propagation - seed, softwood cuttings
Comments - short lived due to high susceptibility to bronze birch borer
- many small winged utlets form on the cone ike female catkin axis that shatters when ripe
Pests - anthracnose, fungal leaf spot, leaf miner insect, rust, stem borer insects, virus, witches broom
Ajuga reptans (Bugle Weed)
Pronunciation: uh-JOO-guh REP-tanz

Family: lamiaceae
Plant type: broadleaf evergreen, ground cover, invasive plant, weed
Zone: 3
Origin: europe
Mature size
Height: 10-20 cm
Spread: 0.6-1.0 m
Form: creeping mat like
Texture: medium
Habit: spreading
Arrangement: simple opposite
Shape: obovate
Size: 1.6-2.3 cm x 2.6-3.2 cm
Margin: entire
Characteristics: leathery, glabrous
Colour: dark green
Inflorescence type: verticillaster
Colour: showy blue, purple
Size: 4-6 mm
Time: May-June
Colour: green
Description: herbaceous
Fruit type: nut
Colour: not showy, enclosed in persistent calyx
Time: seldom
Exposure - part sun/shade, filtered
Preferred soil - rocky, gravelly or dry
Landscape uses - ground cover, herb
Propagation - seed, cuttings
Comments - can be foraged for mint leaves
Pests - sun scald, mites
Hedera helix (English ivy)
Pronunciation: he-DUR-ah HE-licks
Family: Alariaceae
Plant type: broadleaf evergreen, Ground cover, indoor foliage plant, invasive plant, vine or climber, weed
Zone: 5
Origin: Europe
Mature size
Height: 15-22 m
Form: Climbing, creeping, mat like, mounded
Texture: medium - coarse
Habit: dense, spreading
Arrangement: simple, alternate
Shape: elliptic, ovate
Size: 6 - 9 cm wide x 9-11 cm long
Characteristics: lobed
Colour: green with white to light green
Flowers - perfect
Inflorescence type: umbel
Colour: white
Size: 1-3 cm
Time: September, October
Colour: green, red, grey
Description: can have bark like stumps on older plants, vine like green herbaceous new growth
Fruit type: drupe
Colour: black
Time: February, March, April
Preferred soil - anywhere
Landscape uses - should not be planted.... although, can be useful for wildlife, erosion control, or indoor plant
Propagation - seeds, softwood cuttings, layering
Comments - English Ivy should not be planted in areas where it is invasive
- non invasive areas should also avoid planting as it is often hard to control or eradicate
Pests - pest resistant, disease resistant, fungal leaf spot, mites, scale insects, colletotrichum leaf spot fungus
Prunus lusitanica (portugal laurel)

Family: Rosaceae
Plant type: Broadleaf evergreen, invasive plant
Zone: 7 (-18 to -12C)
Origin: Europe
Mature size
Height: 10 - 15m
Spread: 10 - 15m
Form: Oval
Texture: medium
Habit: upright
Arrangement: Simple alternate
Shape: Elliptic, ovate
Size: 3-5cm x 10 - 12 cm
Margin: serrate
Characteristics: lustrous, leathery, acuminate, attenuate
Colour: green
Inflorescence type: floriferous, receme
Colour: white
Size: 1-1.5 cm
Time: May, June
Colour: dark grey
Description: smooth
Fruit type: drupe
Colour: blue, black
Time: Sep, Oct
Exposure - full sun, part sun/shade
Preferred soil - acidic well drained
Landscape uses - hedge row, screening
Propagation - cuttings

- leaves can be somewhat edible if fully ripe but if they are bitter they are toxic and should not be eaten
- take caution while working with this plant
Pests dieback, fungal leaf spot, scale insects, leafhoppers, fireblight, ringspot
You need to check out for expert removal services