Physocarpus capitatus (Common ninebark)

Physocarpus capitatus (Common ninebark)


Pronunciation: fizz-oh-KAR-pus kap-ih-TAY-tuss
phcah4.jpgFamily: Rosaceae
Plant type: shrub
Origin: BC native Canada 
Zone: 3
Mature size
  Height: 3-5 m
  Spread: 3-4 m
Habit: sprawling twiggy fountain
Form: arching, dense, spreading, twiggy, upright
Texture: medium
Exposure - full to part sun
Preferred soil - acidic, humus rich, bog like
Landscape uses - insect attractant, tall shrub border, screening, spring interest, wetland
Arrangement: alternate
Shape: ovate
Size: 1-3 inches long
Margin: double serrate, pinnately lobed
Characteristics: 3 lobed (sometimes 5)
Colour: green
Inflorescence type: corymb
Colour: white petals, pink and yellow
Size: 3-4.5 cm
Time: may june
phcal2.jpgFruit type: aggregate fruit
Colour: brown
Time: September October
Description: peeling papery bark
Colour: brown
Propagation - seed, softwood cuttings, division 
Pests - deer resistant, relatively pest resistant, fungal leaf spot


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