Rosa rugosa (Rugosa Rose)

Rosa rugosa (Rugosa rose)

Pronunciation: RO-zuh roo-GO-suh
Family: rosaceae 
Plant type: deciduous shrub
Origin: Garden Origin 
Zone: 2
Mature size
  Height: 1.3 - 2 m
  Spread: 1.5 - 2 m
Habit: spreading upright
Form: irregular round
roruh4.jpgTexture: medium
Exposure - full sun
rorul3.jpgPreferred soil - acidic, rocky, gravelly dry
Landscape uses - accent, erosion control, deer resistant (ish), mass planting, hedge row, 
Arrangement: compound alternate
Shape: elliptic, oblong
Size: > 8 cm
Margin: serrulate
Characteristics: odd pinnate, tomentose, heavily veined, leathery
Colour: green
Inflorescence type: cyme
Colour: pink, white, yellow, warm colors
Size: 8 cm
Time: June - October
Fruit type: achene, aggregate 
Colour: orange red
Time: September October
Description: showy, mass amount of thorns, multi stem
Colour: olive green 
Propagation - cuttings
Comments - the rose hips are just as pretty as the flowers themselves
Pests - fungal leaf spot, borers, mold, virus galls, in general, rugosa roses are much more resistant than other roses


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