Robinia pseudoacacia cvs. (Black Locust)

Robinia pseudoacacea cvs. (Black Locust)

Pronunciation:roe-BIN-ee-uh soo-doe-uh-KAY-shuh
Family: fabaceae
Plant type: Deciduous Tree
Origin: SE United States
Zone: 4
Mature size
  Height: 10-15 m
  Spread: 7 - 10 m
Habit: upright
Form: oval - vertical 
Texture: fine
Exposure - full sun
Preferred soil - well drained
Landscape uses - reclamation, specimen plant, deer resistance, color
Arrangement: compound, alternate
Shape: elliptic, ovate
Size: 30cm long compound leaves w/ 2-3.5 cm leaflets 
Margin: entire
Characteristics: odd pinnate, glabrous, notched top, 
Inflorescence type: raceme 
Colour: showy white, purple
Size: 25 cm long chains of pea flowers
Time: May, June 
Fruit type: Legume
Colour: Black, burgundy
Time: September October
Description: deeply fissured 
Colour: grey
Propagation - seed
Comments - organ modifications: tap roots, adventitious roots, spiny stipules, North-fixing root nodules 
- is considered invasive in Asia and South Africa 
- historically significant in the US as it was considered the strongest wood of its time. Was one of the first planted boulevard trees
- Was landscaped onto the streets of Williamsburg, Virginia, in 1730
- Was one of the first trees transplanted by the American first nations around the time of 1610
Pests - deer resistant. typically disease and pest resistant, however, can be prone to fungal leaf spot, heart rot, leaf miners, scale insects, and wilt 


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