Sorbus aucuparia (European mountain ash)

Sorbus aucuparia (European Mountain Ash)


Pronunciation: SORE-bus awk-yoo-PAR-ee-uh
Family: Rosaceae
Plant type: Deciduous Tree
Origin: Europe
Zone: 3
Mature size
  Height: 15m
  Spread: 7m
Exposure - full to part sun
Preferred soil - moist acidic soils
Landscape uses - fall interest, specimen plant, shade tree, street tree (cant handle salting)
Arrangement: pinnately compound 
Shape: lanceolate, oblong
Size: 13-27 cm long with 9 leaflets
Margin: serrate
Characteristics: odd-pinnate, glabrous, lustrous
Colour: green
Inflorescence type: Floriferous corymb
Colour: showy white clusters
Size: 5cm
Time: March April 
Fruit type: Pome
Colour: yellow to red showy clusters
Time: September October
Description: smooth with prominent lenticils 
Colour: grey
Propagation - seed, greenwood cuttings
Comments - large hairy winter buds 
- don't like being planted in pollution or hot spots
- many cultivars with different berry colors 
- whooly terminal buds

Pests - Anthracnose, scale insects


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