Platanus x acerifolia ( syn. x hispanica ) (London Plane)

Platanus x acerifolia (London Plane)

London plane 

Pronunciation: PLAT-an-us ay-ser-ih-FOH-lee-a
Family: Altingiaceae
Plant type: Deciduous Tree
Origin: Garden origin
Zone: 6
Mature size
  Height: 22-30 m
  Spread: 15-25 m
Habit: irregular, star shaped, open
Form: columnar round - lollipop tree
Texture: coarse 
Exposure - full sun, tolerates light shade
Preferred soil - deep moist slightly acidic soil
Landscape uses - shade tree, specimen, boulevard tree 
Arrangement: alternate lobed simple
Shape: ovate
Size: 10-18 cm x 10-12cm
Margin: dentate, palmately lobed
Characteristics: similar to maple leaf
Colour: green, rich fall colour
Inflorescence type: head like spike
Colour: green brown
Size: 1-2 inches
Time: June July
Fruit type: multiple fruit achene
Colour: green yellow
Time: September, October 
Description: smooth with 'Scab' like pieces 
Colour: green grey beige 
Propagation -
Comments -  great in city conditions, fruit is much different than maple, if the leaf is snapped off, the bud is still protected
- timber is lacewood, used for furniture 
- popular street tree that grows quickly 
Pests - Anthracnose 


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