Aesculus hippocastanum (Common horsechestnut)

Aesculus hippocastanum (Common Horsechestnuts)

common horse chestnut
Pronunciation:  ESS-kew-lus hip-oh-kass-TAY-num
Family: Sapindaceae
Plant type: Deciduous Tree
Origin: Europe
Zone: 5
Mature size
  Height: 22-30 m
  Spread: 15-25 m 
Habit: open upright
Form: round
Texture: coarse
Exposure - full sun to part sun
Preferred soil - well drained
Landscape uses - spring interest, specimen (Messy)
Arrangement: compound opposite 
Shape: obovate
Size: leaflets 13-30 cm long
Margin: double serrate 
Characteristics: heavily veined, palmate venation 
Colour: green
Inflorescence type: floriferous pannicle 
Colour: white showy
Size: 6 inches
Time: April May
Fruit type: capsule
Colour: green to brown
Time: September October
Description: plated
Colour: grey brown
Propagation - grafting, seed
Comments - bud scar looks similar to that of a horseshoe with shoe tacks
- not ideal as landscape tree as it is persistently messy year round

Pests - leaf hoppers, leaf blotch fungus, leaf scorch


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