Quercus palustris (pin oak)

Quercus palustris (Pin Oak)


Pronunciation: KWURK-us puh-LUSS-triss
Family: fagaceae
Plant type: deciduous tree
Origin: USA
Zone: 5
Mature size
  Height: 15 - 22 m
  Spread: 10 - 15 m
Habit: horizontal, pendulous, upright
Form: widely pyramidal 
Texture: medium
Exposure - full sun
Preferred soil - acidic well drained
Landscape uses - shade tree, specimen plant, street tree
Arrangement: lobed, simple
Shape: elliptic, oblong 
Size: 4 cm x 6-8 cm
Margin: pinnately lobed
Characteristics: pinnate venation, soft flexible, cuneate base
Colour: green
Inflorescence type: catkin
Colour: not showy, green yellow
Size: .5 cm
Time: May June
Fruit type: nut
Colour: brown
Time: September, October
Description: smooth, lightly fissured, single stem trunk
Colour: light brown, grey
Propagation - greenwood cuttings, grafting
Comments - Likes to have lots of water, bottom branches point down, upper branches point up, middle branches strongly horizontal 
Pests -  Anthracnose, Galls, heart rot, leaf minor, root rot, rust, scale insects


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