Picea pungens (Colorado Blue Spruce)

Picea pungens (Colorado Blue Spruce)  

Pronunciation: PYE-see-uh PUN-jenz
Family: Pinaceae
Plant type: Conifer tree
Origin: US
Zone: 3
Mature size 
  Height:  15 - 22 m
  Spread: 5-7 m
Habit: horizontal, stiffly upright
Form:  pyramidal - narrowly
Texture:  medium fine
Exposure -  full sun
Preferred soil -  well drained
Landscape uses -  alpine, specimen, screening, winter interest
Arrangement: spiraled
Shape: needle like lanceolate 
Size: 1-2 cm
Margin: entire
Characteristics: needle like, prickly, stiff, glabrous, waxy 
Colour: bluish green
Inflorescence type: male cone
Colour: yellow red purple 
Size: 10cm x 3 cm
Time: summer
Fruit type: female cone, winged seed
Colour: brown
Time: september october 
Description: exfoliating, plated
Colour: grey brown
Propagation  seed, grafting
Comments -  prone to deer browsing, natively grow in the rocky mountains 
Pests - mites


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