Euonyus alatus (Burning bush)

Euonymus alatus (Burning Bush)

Pronunciation: you-ON-ih-mus eh-LAY-tu
Family: Celastraceae
Plant type: deciduous shrub
Origin: SE Asia, Japan, China 
Zone: 3
Mature size
  Height: 2-3 m
  Spread: 2-3 m
Habit: Dense, horizontal spreading 
Form: oval, horizontal
Texture: medium
Exposure - all
Preferred soil - well drained
Landscape uses - boulevard, mass planting, low screen, separator, specimen plant, winter fall interest, urban plant
Arrangement: simple, opposite
Shape: elliptic, obovate 
Size: 1-2 x .5 - .75 inches
Margin: serrate 
Characteristics: pinnate venation, soft flexible, glabrous
Colour: green, rich red fall color 
Inflorescence type: cyme
Colour: green yellow, showy 
Size: .5 cm
Time: May, June 
Fruit type: capsule 
Colour: red
Time: July - September
Description: winged stem 
Colour: green grey brown
Propagation - seed, softwood, greenwood cuttings
Comments - can be hard pruned and it will come back
- tolerant of most conditions 
Pests - die back, fungal leaf spot, leaf miner insects, scale, mites


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