Cornus nuttallii (Pacific Dogwood)

Cornus nuttallii (Pacific Dogwood)


Pronunciation: KORE-nus NUT-ull-ee-eye
Family: Cornaceae
Plant type: Deciduous Tree
Origin: BC
Zone: 7
Mature size
  Height: 15 - 22 m
  Spread: 7-10 m
Habit: Arching, open, upright
Form: oval, vertical, round
Texture: medium, coarse
Exposure - deep shade to full sun and in between!
Preferred soil - acidic well drained 
Landscape uses - native planting, shade tree, spring interest, tall background
Arrangement: simple, opposite
Shape: elliptic
Size: 4-7 cm x 3-5 cm
Margin: ciliate, undulate 
Characteristics: heavily veined, pinnate venation, soft flexible
Colour: green with fall color
Inflorescence type: floriferous head like spike
Colour: white with yellow-red head
Size: 3-6 cm
Time: may
Fruit type: drupe, multiple fruits
Colour: orange and red
Time: september 
Description: plated, smooth 
Colour: grey to dark grey
Propagation - seed
Comments - became the flower of BC in 1956, used to be protected under a federal act until it was dismissed in 2002. The nearly endangered tree is starting to diminish in its existence, as it only grows in the Southwest corner of BC. Dogwood Anthracnose is a disease that starts in the foliage and eventually chokes out the tree. It has been consistently killing off the population of Pacific Dogwoods. 

Pests - anthracnose 


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