Magnolia grandiflora (Southern Magnolia)

Magnolia grandiflora (Southern Magnolia)


Pronunciation: mag-NO-lee-uh gran-dih-FLORE-uh
Family: Magnoliaceae
Plant type: Deciduous flowering tree
Origin: SW USA
Zone: 5
Mature size
  Height: 10-15 m
  Spread: 7 - 10 m
Habit: dense upright
Form: oval vertical
Texture: medium
Exposure - full to part sun
Preferred soil - well drained
Landscape uses - specimen plant 
Arrangement: simple alternate
Shape: elliptic ovate
Size: 8 cm x 18 - 22 cm
Margin: entire
Characteristics: large, thick, glossy dark green leaves, dense brown pubescence on underside
Colour: dark green with brown pubescent underside
Inflorescence type: solitary
Colour: showy white
Size: 5 cm
Time: July August
Fruit type: follicle, aggregate fruit
Colour: fruit
Time: September, October
Description: smooth, tomentose new growth stems
Colour: grey
Propagation - seed, cuttings
Comments - many different cultivars, known for the large dark green foliage and fragrant white flowers
Pests - leaf miners, diptera, stem borer insects 


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