Physocarpus opulifolius cvs. (Ninebark)

Physocarpus opulifolius cvs. (Ninebark)


Pronunciation: fizz-oh-KAR-pus op-you-lih-FOE-lee-us
Family: Rosaceae
Plant type: Shrub
Origin: Eastern Canada
Zone: 4
Mature size
  Height: 3-5 m 
  Spread: 3 - 4 m
Habit: open, spreading, twiggy, upright
Form: oval, vertical, round, vase
phopf1.jpgTexture: medium
Exposure - part sun, full sun in rich moist soils
Preferred soil - humus rich soils
Landscape uses - near streams, accent plant, screaning, cut flowers, tall background, woodland
Arrangement: opposite 
phopt2.jpgShape: ovate 
Size: 5-6 cm
Margin: crenate
Characteristics: pinnate, soft flexible 
phopk.jpgColour: purple to chocolate brown, yellow, green
Inflorescence type: corymb
Colour: white, yellow pink
Size: 5 cm clusters
Time: may june
Fruit type: follicle, aggregate 
Colour: red
Time: september october
Description: multi stemmed trunk
Colour: brown grey
Propagation - softwood cuttings, layering, seed
Comments - said to have 9 layers of bark, adaptable growing conditions
Pests - pest and disease resistant


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