Acer palmatum (Japanese Maple)

Acer palmatum (Japanese Maple)

Japanese maple

Pronunciation:AY-sur pal-MAY-tum
Family: Sapindaceae
Plant type: deciduous tree
Origin: Japan, Asia, garden origin
Zone: 6
Mature size
  Height: 2-3 m
  Spread: 3-4 m
Habit: upright
Form: vase
Texture: medium
Exposure - sun to part shade
Preferred soil - well drained
Landscape uses - specimen tree, small garden space
Arrangement: simple opposite
Shape: dependent on cultivar
Size: dependent on cultivar, around 7cm
Margin: serrate
Characteristics: several lobed leaves, deeply cut, 5-9 lobes typically 7
Colour: dependent on cultivar
Inflorescence type: raceme
Colour: dependent on cultivar, red green
Size: 5 cm
Time: May June
Fruit type: samara
Colour: green, brown
Time: September October
Description: smooth
Colour: grey
Propagation - cuttings, grafting
Comments - many many cultivars, protect from winds and hot hot sun (can crisp leaves)
- winter id: paired buds
Pests - wilt winter moth, verticillium wilt, limbs of some red cultivars regress back to species, anthracnose 


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