Acer macrophyllum (Big leaf Maple)

Acer macrophyllum (Bigleaf Maple)

bigleaf maple 

Pronunciation: AY-sur mack-roe-FILL-um
Family: Sapindaceae
Plant type: Deciduous Native Tree
Origin: BC
Zone: 6
Mature size
  Height: <30
Habit: open
Form: oval horizontal round
Texture: very coarse
Exposure - sun to part shade
Preferred soil - hummus rich 
Landscape uses - native tree, very large, naturalized area
Arrangement:  simple opposite 
Shape: deltoid, orbicular
Size: 20-30 cm across
Margin: Dentate 
Characteristics: Massive maple leaves, palmate venation, soft flexible 
Colour: dark lustrous green top, with dull bottom 
Inflorescence type: raceme
Colour:  showy yellow 
Size: 10-15 cm cluster
Time: May June
Fruit type: samara (4 cm long) pubescent 
Colour: green to brown
Time: Sept, Oct
Description: deeply fissured
Colour: grey
Propagation -
Comments - bark retains plenty of water, moss is often found on bark, ferns found at base
- winter ID: very large buds, 3 at terminal 
- flowers are edible, tastes like broccoli, good in quiche, mild flavor 
Pests - fungal leaf spot, heart rot


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