Chaenomeles speciosa (Flowering Quince)

Chaenomeles speciosa (Flowering Quince)

chsph3.jpg chspf1.jpg

chspf2.jpgPronunciation: kee-NOM-uh-leez spee-see-OH-suh
Family: Rosaceae
Plant type: deciduous shrub
Origin: SE Asia, Japan, China 
Zone: 5
Mature size
  Height: 2-3 m
  Spread: 2-4 m
Habit: dense, spreading, twiggy upright
Form: oval, horizontal 
Texture: medium
chspt2.jpgExposure - full sun (for fruit)
Preferred soil - well drained
Landscape uses - erosion control, dryland, rock garden, mixed borders, urban agriculture
Arrangement: simple alternate
Shape: ovate
Size: 1.5 - 3 inches long, stipule is half the size
Margin: serrulate
Characteristics: glabrous lustrus
Colour: reddish new growth to green
Inflorescence type: cyme
Colour: red orange 
Size: 3-4 cm
chspl2.jpgTime: March 
Fruit type: pome (2 inches)
Colour: yellow red green
Time: September - November
Description: smooth, multi stemmed trunk
Colour: brown
Propagation - softwood cuttings, seed
Comments - fruit is delicious Membrillo Paste recipe
- cut back to 6 inches in winter/fall to promote new spring growth
- has thorns
Pests - rust, scale, apple pest


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