Choisya ternata (Mexican mock orange)

Choisya ternata (Mexican mock orange)

Pronunciation: CHOY-zee-uh tur-NAY-tuh
chtef2.jpgFamily: Rutaceae (not a common family, very fragrant)
chtel2.jpgPlant type: broadleaf evergreen, shrub 
Zone: 7
Origin: Mexico

Mature size
  Height: 3 m
  Spread: 1.5 - 2 m
Form: round
Texture: medium
Habit: dense
Arrangement: compound palmate
Shape: oblong, obovate
Size: 4-7 cm long 1.8-3.4 cm wide
Margin: entire
Characteristics: pinnate venation, soft flexible, distinctive smell, glabrous, lustrous, trifoliate (ternate), rounded, attenuate, cuneate, glossy
Colour: green-yellow, green in fall
Inflorescence type: cyme
Colour: showy, white, fragrant
Size: 1.4-1.8
Time: May - September 
Colour: tan
Description: smooth, multi-stem trunk
Fruit type: capsule
Colour: brown
Time: seldom, insignificant
Exposure - part sun part shade 
Preferred soil - acidic, well drained 
Landscape uses -  grows near entrance to house
Propagation - seed, greenwood cuttings, softwood cuttings
Pests - pest and disease resistant


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