Pinus aristata (bristlecone pine)

Pinus aristata (Bristlecone Pine)

Pronunciation: PYE-nus ar-iss-TAY-tuh
Family: Pinacea
Plant type: Conifer 
Zone: 4 
Origin: US - southwest
Mature size
  Height: 5-7 m
  Spread: 3-4 m
Form: Pyramidal - narrowly 
Texture: medium fine
Habit: dense
Arrangement: needle-like, faciscles
Shape: needles
Size: 1.9 -3.6 cm long x 1 mm wide
Margin: entire
Characteristics: resin on the needles, facicles of five 
Colour: green blue, glauca underside
Inflorescence type: male cone
Colour: brown, dark-red
Size: 5-10 cm x 3-4 cm 
Time: April May
Colour: brown, grey
Description: lightly fissured
Fruit type: female winged cones
Colour: purple tone, oval shape 
Time: August, September, October
Exposure - full sun
Preferred soil - well-drained
Landscape uses - dwarf varieties used as specimen plants, small garden space, slow growing, compact varieties 
Propagation - seed 
Comments - slow growing, low water use, compactum meaning it will stay small
Bristlecone Pine Natural History
Chinospis Pinifolea
Pests  - pine scale, chionaspis pinifolia 


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