Buddleja davidii (Butterfly bush)

Buddleja davidii (Butterfly Bush)  

butterfly bush

Pronunciation: BUD-lee-uh duh-VID-ee-eye
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Plant type: deciduous shrub, Invasive - Horticulture 
Origin: Garden
Zone:  5
Mature size 
  Height: 2-3 m  
  Spread:  3-4 m
Habit: arching
Form: upright, vase
Texture: medium
Exposure -  Full to part sun
Preferred soil -  well drained
Landscape uses - attracts butterflies, dry land, erosion control, fragrance, summer interest
Arrangement: simple opposite
Shape: lanceolate 
Size: 12 cm x 3cm
Margin: serrulate 
Characteristics: pinnate venation, soft flexible, tomentose,
Colour: green, pale underside 
Inflorescence type: floriferous pannicle 
Colour: showy, white blue, pink, purple 
Size: 13 cm x 6 cm
Time: June - September
Fruit type: capsule
Colour: brown
Time: September to October
Description: exfoliating, stringy, moderately fissured, multi stemmed trunk
Colour: yellow brown
Propagation  seed, soft wood or hard wood cuttings, layering
Comments -   deer and rabbit resistant 
Pests  dieback, leaf spot, mites


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