Calystegia sepium (Morning glory or hedge bindweed)

Calystegia sepium (Morning Glory or Hedge Bindweed)  

morning glory, hedge bindweed

Pronunciation: kal-ee-STEE-jee-uh SEP-ee-um
Family: Convolvulaceae
Plant type: herbaceous perennial, vine or climber, weed, invasive
Origin: Europe 
Zone: 6
Mature size 
  Height: 3-5 m  
  Spread: 4-5 m
Habit: arching, irregular, spreading
Form: climbing
Texture: medium
Exposure -  filtered shade, full sun
Preferred soil -  well drained
Landscape uses - invasive weed, do not plant
Arrangement: simple alternate
Shape: ovate
Size: 12 cm x 9 cm
Margin: entire
Characteristics: rounded, heart shaped, arrow shaped, soft flexible, glabrous
Colour: green
Inflorescence type: floriferous
Colour: white
Size: 12 cm diameter
Time: May - September 
Fruit type: capsule
Colour: brown
Time: Oct, Nov
Description: vine
Colour: green
Propagation - seed, division, layering  
Comments -  very aggressive weedy vine that twines, leaves are heart shaped, flowers are large white and funnel shaped
Pests  pest and disease resistant


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