Daphne laurela (Daphne or Spurge Laurel)

Daphne laurela (Daphne or Spurge Laurel)

spurge laurel

Pronunciation: DAFF-nee lore-ee-OH-luh
Family: Thymelaeaceae
Plant type: invasive and toxic broadleaf evergreen
Origin: Europe, North Africa 
Zone: 7
Mature size 
  Height: .7 - 1.3 m  
  Spread: 1- 1.5
Habit: dense
Form: oval horizontal
Texture: medium
Exposure -  full to part sun
Preferred soil -  moist, humus rich, well drained
Landscape uses - KPU says Floristry, I disagree because of its toxicity, it should not be used period.
Arrangement: Simple alternate
Shape: oblanceolate 
Size: 12 cm
Margin: entire
Characteristics: toxic, if split, a toxic milky substance is secreted and can cause severe skin rashes 
Colour: green
Inflorescence type flowers clustered
Colour: not showy, green yellow
Size: .5 cm flowers in clusters
Time: March
Fruit type: Drupe
Colour:  Black
Time: June to July
Description: woody with green herbaceous new growth
Colour: grey to green
Propagation  underground division, seed, rhizome 
Comments -  handling can cause respiration and skin irritation
Pests  rabbit, disease, and pest resistant 


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