Aucuba japonica (Spotted Laurel)

Aucuba japonica (Spotted Laurel)

Pronunciation: aw-KEW-buh juh-PON-ih-kuh


Family: Cornaceae
Plant type: Broadleaf evergreen
aujal1.jpgZone: 7 
Origin: Japan
Mature size
  Height: 2-3 m
  Spread: 2-3 m
Form: rounded
Texture: medium coarse
Habit: dense, stiffly upright
Arrangement: simple opposite
Shape: elliptic, ovate
Size: 16-18 cm
aujaf1.jpgMargin: dentate
Characteristics: leathery, pinnate venation, glabrous, lustrous, acuminate, obtuse
Colour: green, yellow paint splatter look
Inflorescence type: panicle
Colour: not showy, dark red
Size: 4-5 mm
Time: May, June
Colour: green
Description: multi-stem trunk
Fruit type: drupe
Colour: red
Time: January, February, March, April, May
Exposure - filtered shade, part sun/shade
Preferred soil -  acidic, humus rich, well drained
Landscape uses - accent plant, mixed shrub border, screening, specimen plant, winter interest
Propagation - seed, greenwood cuttings, softwood cuttings, division - below ground parts

Pests -  sooty mold may follow aphid infestation, root rot and mold


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