Viburnum tinus (laurestine)

Viburnum tinus (laurestine)

Viburnum tinus
Pronunciation: vi-BUR-num TIE-nus
Family: Adoxaceae
Plant type: Boadleaf evergreen, shrub
Zone: 7-9
Origin: Mediterranean, Europe 
Mature size
  Height: 2-7 cm
  Spread: 3 m
Form: rounded
Texture: medium-coarse
Habit: densely upright
Viburnum tinus
Arrangement: Opposite pairs
Shape: ovate, elliptic 
Size: 4 - 10 cm long x 2-4 cm wide 
Margin: entire
Characteristics:  narrowly ovate to oblong, lustrous dark green above, paler beneath 
Colour: green
Inflorescence type: umbel
Colour: white, pinke
Size: 0.8 cm - 1.2 cm
Time: October - June
Colour: brown, green
Description: smooth woody established stem, young herbaceous new growth 
Fruit type: 
Colour: metallic blue, matures to black

Time: March, April, May
Viburnum tinus00.jpg
Viburnum tinus
Exposure - sun to part shade
Preferred soil - alkaline well drained
Landscape uses - mixed shrub boarder, winter interest, fall interest, decorative wall
Propagation - softwood cuttings, seed
Comments -  fruit can be used as purgatives against constipation
- tincture has been used in herbal medicine as a remedy for depression
Pests  - south east Britain, principal host of the viburnum beetle, which is the countries number one pest species


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