Broadleaf Evergreens

Viburnum tinus (laurestine)

Viburnum tinus
Pronunciation: vi-BUR-num TIE-nus
Family: Adoxaceae
Plant type: Boadleaf evergreen, shrub
Zone: 7-9
Origin: Mediterranean, Europe 
Mature size
  Height: 2-7 cm
  Spread: 3 m
Form: rounded
Texture: medium-coarse
Habit: densely upright
Viburnum tinus
Arrangement: Opposite pairs
Shape: ovate, elliptic 
Size: 4 - 10 cm long x 2-4 cm wide 
Margin: entire
Characteristics:  narrowly ovate to oblong, lustrous dark green above, paler beneath 
Colour: green
Inflorescence type: umbel
Colour: white, pinke
Size: 0.8 cm - 1.2 cm
Time: October - June
Colour: brown, green
Description: smooth woody established stem, young herbaceous new growth 
Fruit type: 
Colour: metallic blue, matures to black

Time: March, April, May
Viburnum tinus00.jpg
Viburnum tinus
Exposure - sun to part shade
Preferred soil - alkaline well drained
Landscape uses - mixed shrub boarder, winter interest, fall interest, decorative wall
Propagation - softwood cuttings, seed
Comments -  fruit can be used as purgatives against constipation
- tincture has been used in herbal medicine as a remedy for depression
Pests  - south east Britain, principal host of the viburnum beetle, which is the countries number one pest species

Berberis verruculosa (Warty Barberry)

Pronunciation: BUR-bur-iss ver-ruk-yoo-LH-sa


Family: berberidaceae 
Plant type: Broadleaf evergreen
Zone: 5
Origin:  Western China
Mature size
  Height: .7 - 1.5 m
  Spread: 1-1.5 m
Form: rounded 
Texture: medium
Habit: spreading, more so arching  dense
Arrangement: alternate simple
Shape: Elliptic, obovate
Size: 1.4-2.5 long x 1-1.2 wide
Margin: spinose
Characteristics: shiney lustrous, leathery, prickly to the touch
Colour: green 

Inflorescence type: solitary flower
Colour: yellow (typical of berberaceae family)
Size: 1.3-1,6 cm
Time: April May
Colour: brown
Description: smooth multi-stemmed trunk
Fruit type: berry
Colour: Violet, black
Time: July, August
Exposure - sun, part shade
Preferred soil - rocky, dry, poor soil tolerance, (urban conditions)
Landscape uses- filler, hedge row, mixed shrub border, security barrier, woodland margin
Propagation - softwood cuttings or seed
Comments - low maintenance, often used as a security barrier
Pests - galls, root rot, generally pest resistant and disease resistant

Leucothoe fontanesiana 'Rainbow' (Rainbow Leucothoe)

lewah1.jpgPronunciation: loo-KOTH-oh-ee fon-taynz-ee-AY-nuh

Family: Ericaceae
Plant type: Broadleaf evergreen
Zone: 5
Origin: Europe, garden origin 
Mature size
  Height: 0.7- 1.3 m
  Spread: 0.5- 2m
Form: oval
Texture: medium
Habit: arching 

Arrangement: simple alternate
Shape: lanceolet
Size: 2.6-3.4 cm wide x 7.9-8.3 cm tall
Margin: serrated
lewaf2.jpgCharacteristics: leathery
Colour: yellow, green red 
Inflorescence type: raceme 
Colour: showy, white
Size: 5-7mm
Time: April to May
Colour: brown
Description: lightly fissured, multistemmed
Fruit type: capsule
Colour: brown
Time: July - September 
Exposure - part shad to deep shade
Preferred soil - Acidic soil
Landscape uses - woodland, near building, shady area, floral arrangements
Propagation, seed or cuttings
Comments - easy to grow, can be pruned any time
Pests - pest resistant

Photinia x fraseri (photinia)

Pronunciation: foe-TIN-ee-uh ex FRAY-zur-eye
Family: Rosaceae
Plant type: Broadleaf evergreen, flowering cut plant
Zone: 7
Origin: garden origin 
Mature size
  Height: 3- 5 m
  Spread: 4- 5 m
Form: oval vertical
Texture: medium - coarse
Habit: stiffly upright
Arrangement: simple alternate
Shape: elliptic, oblong, obovate
Size: 8.2 - 9.2 cm
Margin: serrulate
Characteristics: leathery, parallel venation, lustrous, acuminate, cuneate, oblique (uneven)
phfrf2.jpgColour: green, red, leaves bronze to bright red when young (dark green in fall)
Flowers - perfect
Inflorescence type: floriferous, panicle
Colour: white, showy
Size:0.2- 1.2 cm
Time: May, June
Colour: green, red
Description: multi-stemmed trunk
Fruit type: pome, aborted (hybrids), or absent
phfro.jpgColour: white
Time: fruiting is rare and insignificant 
Exposure - full sun, part sun/shade
Preferred soil - acidic
Landscape uses - accent plant, hedge row, mixed shrub border, screening
Propagation - greenwood cuttings
Comments - toxic leaves
 - moderate water use 
 - new growth is red, maturing to dark glossy green
 - will almost always get leafspots

Pests - fungal leaf spot, galls, leaf scorch, root rot, entomosporium mespili 


Viburnum davidii (David viburnum)

Pronunciation: vye-BUR-num duh-VID-ee-eye
Family: Adoxaceae
Plant type: broadleaf evergreen
Zone: 6
Origin: SE Asia, Japan, China (Western)
Mature size
  Height: 1.3-2 m
  Spread: 1.5 - 2 m
Form: mounded
Texture: medium coarse
Habit: spreading
Arrangement: simple opposite
Shape: obovate, ovate
Size: 16-22 cm long x 4.8-5.4 cm
Margin: dentate, entire
Characteristics: heavily veined, leathery, palmate venation, glabrous, acuminate, cuneate, the two main veins run almost parallel to midrib, 1/3 of leaf near apex with toothed margin
Colour: green
vidaf2.jpgInflorescence type: corymb-like, cyme
Colour: showy, white
Size: 4-7 mm
Time: April May

vidat2.jpgColour: red, brown
Description: multi-stem trunk
Fruit type: drupe
Colour: blue (attractive metallic blue)
Time: July, August 
Exposure - full sun, part sun/shade
Preferred soil - well-drained
Landscape uses - attract birds, dryland - no watering, hedge row, mixed shrub border, small garden space, spring interest, winter interest, woodland margin
Propagation - sofwood cuttings, seed, cuttings

Pests - pest resistant, disease resistant, anthracnose, galls, mold, rust, wilt, fungal leaf spot, viburnum leaf beetle

Aucuba japonica (Spotted Laurel)

Pronunciation: aw-KEW-buh juh-PON-ih-kuh


Family: Cornaceae
Plant type: Broadleaf evergreen
aujal1.jpgZone: 7 
Origin: Japan
Mature size
  Height: 2-3 m
  Spread: 2-3 m
Form: rounded
Texture: medium coarse
Habit: dense, stiffly upright
Arrangement: simple opposite
Shape: elliptic, ovate
Size: 16-18 cm
aujaf1.jpgMargin: dentate
Characteristics: leathery, pinnate venation, glabrous, lustrous, acuminate, obtuse
Colour: green, yellow paint splatter look
Inflorescence type: panicle
Colour: not showy, dark red
Size: 4-5 mm
Time: May, June
Colour: green
Description: multi-stem trunk
Fruit type: drupe
Colour: red
Time: January, February, March, April, May
Exposure - filtered shade, part sun/shade
Preferred soil -  acidic, humus rich, well drained
Landscape uses - accent plant, mixed shrub border, screening, specimen plant, winter interest
Propagation - seed, greenwood cuttings, softwood cuttings, division - below ground parts

Pests -  sooty mold may follow aphid infestation, root rot and mold

Helleborus x hybridus (Lenten Rose)

Pronunciation: hel-eh-BORE-us ex HIB-rih-dus


hehyh3.jpgFamily: Ranunculaceae
Plant type: Broadleaf evergreen
Zone: 4
Origin: Europe, garden origin 
Mature size
  Height: 40-70 cm
  Spread: 30-60 cm
Form: mounded
hehyl2.jpgTexture: course
Habit: spreading
Arrangement: Basal
Shape: Obovate
Margin: serrate
hehyf1.jpgCharacteristics: attenuate, compounded, lobed, heavily veined, leathery, palmate venation, glabrous, rugose, acuminate, leaflet occasionally lobed but not always fully divided
Colour: green
Flowers: perfect
Inflorescence type: floriferous, cyme
Colour: white, green, yellow, pink, purple, red, and a variety of colors for different varieties 
Size: 13-17 cm
Time: January, February, March, April
Colour: green, light green, whitish
Description: herbaceous 
hehyf2.jpgFruit type: follicle
Colour: white
Time: June, July
Exposure - deep shade, filtered shade, part sun/shade
Preferred soil - humus rich, well drained
Landscape uses - dryland (no watering), perennial border, rock garden, spring interest, winter interest, woodland margin
Propagation - seed, cuttings

Pests - adelgids, aphids

Bergenia cordifolia (Heartleaf Bergenia)

Pronunciation: burr-GHEE-nee-uh kore-dih-FOE-lee-uh


Family: Saxifragaceae
Plant type: Broadleaf evergreen
Zone: 3
Origin: South east Asia
Mature size
  Height: 0.2-0.4 m
  Spread: .3-.6 m
Form: mounded
Texture: very course
Habit: dense spreading upright
Arrangement: Alternate basal
Shape: obicular 
Size: >30cm long
Margin: crenate, ungulate
Characteristics: simple, pinnate, glabrous, lustrous, 
Colour: reddish green, summer, red in the fall
becfh2.jpgInflorescence type: Floriferous, pinnacle like, cyme
Colour: pink, showy, white, red
Time: March, April, May
Colour: Green, brownish red
Description: herbaceous, light near stalk
Fruit type: Capsule
Colour: red, showy
Time: July, August
Exposure - deep shade, filtered shade, deep sun only if kept in shade, part sun/shade
Preferred soil hummus rich, well drained
Landscape uses - accent plant, perennial border, waterside planting, ground cover, spring interest, summer interest, fall interest
Propagation - division, above ground parts
Comments - 

Pests - caterpillar, cutworm, sawfly, horntail, nematodes, root rot, slugs, snails, black vine weevil 

Arbutus menziesii (madrona, arbutus)


Pronunciation: are-BEW-tus men-zeez-ee-ey
Family: Ericaceae
Plant type: Broadleaf evergreen
Zone: 7 (-18 to -12C)
Origin: BC west of Cascades, US - north/southwest 
Mature size
  Height: 22 - 30 m
armzh2.jpg  Spread: 10 - 15 m
Form: oval vertical 
Texture: medium course 
Habit: spreading, upright
Arrangement: simple alternate
Shape: oblong
Size: 5-10 cm
Margin: entire, serrate 
Characteristics: acute, obtuse, glabrous, lustrous
Colour: dark green
Flowers: floriferous
Inflorescence type: panicle
Colour: white
Size: 1-2 cm per flower
Time: May, June 
Colour: olive, orange, red, tan, brown
Description: showy, exfoliating
Fruit type: berry (true)
Colour: orange, red
Time: September, October 
Exposure - full sun
Preferred soil - acidic, rocky, gravelly, dry
Landscape uses - attract birds, native planting, shade tree, specimen plant, tall background, wildlife food, winter interest, woodland margin
Propagation - seed, greenwood cutting 
Comments - bark photosynthesizes as well as the leaves
 - often found on rocky outcrops
 - Canada's only native broadleaf evergreen tree

Pests -  fungal leaf spot, root rot, (e.i. phytophthora cactorum and nattrassia magiferae, fusicoccum aesculi)

Pieris japonica (lily of the valley shrub)


Pronunciation: pee-AIR-iss jah-PON-ih-kus

Family: Ericaceae
Plant type: broadleaf evergreen
Zone: 5 (-29 to -23 C)
Origin: unknown 
Mature size
  Height: 1.3 - 2 m
  Spread: 1.5 - 2 m
Form: oval, vertical 
Texture: medium - fine
pijal1.jpgHabit: dense
Leaves: simple
Arrangement: alternate spiral
Shape: oblanceolate, obovate
Size: 2.5-8cm
Margin: crenate, serrate
Characteristics: glabrous, lustrous, acute, cuneate
Colour: green
Flowers: floriferous
Inflorescence type: raceme
Colour: showy, white, pink
Size: 6-12 cm
Time: March, April
Colour: grey, red, brown
Description: lightly fissure, multi stem trunk
pijah1.jpgFruit type: capsule
Colour: red, brown
Time: September, October
Exposure - filtered shade, full sun, part sun/shade
Preferred soil - acidic, well drained
Landscape uses -  mixed shrub border, screening, small garden space, specimen plant, spring interest
Propagation -  seed, greenwood cuttings, softwood cuttings, tissue culture
Comments - leaves and nectar of flower are poisonous
 - can cause a tingling sensation, salivating, nose and eye watering, nausea and vomit

Pests - fungal leaf spot, mites, nematodes, scale insects, lace bug, lygus bug

Buxus sempervirens (common boxwood)

boxwood boutonnieres?:

Pronunciation: BUCKS-us sem-PUR-vur-enz

busef1.jpgFamily: Buxaceae
Plant type: Broadleaf evergreen, flowering cut plant
Zone: 6 (-23 to -18C)
Origin: Europe
Mature size
  Height: 2-3 m
  Spread: 2-3 m
Form: round
Texture: medium fine
Habit: dense, upright
Arrangement: Simple, Opposite 
Shape: Elliptic, Ovate
Size: 1.5-3 cm x 0.5 - 1.3 cm
Margin: entire
Characteristics: emarginate, obtuse, rounded, glabrous, lustrous, leathery, pinnate venation 
Colour: dark green
Inflorescence type: raceme
Colour: not showy, green-yellow
Size: 0.5 - 1 cm
Time: April - May 
Colour: olive brown
Description: lightly fissured, multi-stem trunk *fibrous like roots*
Fruit type: capsule
buseh2.jpgColour: brown, seeds black
Time: July, August, September, October
Exposure - deep shade, filtered shade, full sun only if soil is kept moist, part sun/shade
Preferred soil - alkaline, well-drained
Landscape uses - floristry, mass planting, hedge row, rock garden, sheared hedge, topiary 
Propagation - softwood cuttings 
Comments - Boxwood is an amazing base for topiary art work

Pests - die back, leaf miner insect, mites, nematodes, root rot, scale insects, psyllids

Euonymus fortunei 'emerald n' gold' (winter creeper)

Pronunciation: you-ON-ih-mus fore-TYOO-nee-eye

eufot1.jpgFamily: Celastraceae
Plant type: broad-leaf evergreen, ground cover, vine or climber
Zone: 9 (-29 to -23C)
Origin: garden
Mature size
  Height: 0.4 - 0.7 m
  Spread: 1.5 - 2m
Form: climbing, creeping, mat like, irregular mounded
Texture: medium - fine
Habit: arching, dense, horizontal, spreading
Arrangement: Simple, opposite
Shape: elliptic, ovate
Size: 2-6 x 1-3 cm
Margin: serrate
Characteristics: cordate, truncate, leaves are variegated,
Colour: green, yellow, bright green with bright yellow margins that tint pink in winter, in fall: green yellow, pink, red
Inflorescence type:
Time: June, July
Stem: bark
Colour: grey
Description: corky *adventitious roots, aerial roots
Fruit type: Capsule
Colour: orange, brown
Time: October
Exposure - full sun
Preferred soil - well-drained
Landscape uses - container planting, erosion control, filler, group or mass planting, winter interest
Propagation - green wood cuttings, softwood cuttings, hardwood cuttings, layering
Comments - one of the hardiest evergreen climbers, some species are known as weeds as they can invade entire neighborhoods
Pests - pest resistant, disease resistant

Gaultheria shallon (salal)

Pronunciation: Gaulthe-ria shal-on 

Family: Ericaceae
Plant type: Broadleaf evergreen, floral cut plan
Zone: 6 (-24 to -18 C)
Origin: BC west coast of Cascades, U.S northwest
(UBC U-Flora)
Mature size
  Height: 2-3 m
  Spread: 5-7 m
Form texture: medium coarse
Habit: irregular, dense, spreading
Arrangement: simple, alternate
Shape: Ovate, dentate
Size: 4-10 cm long
Margin: lustrous 
Characteristics: Broadly ovate leaves, thick with very small serrations; stems pubescent
Colour: dark green
Time: April - May
Inflorescence type: Bracted raceme 
Colour: White pink
Size: 4-10 cm long
Colour: young with berries is pink/purple, young is light green, mature is brown shrubby
Description: arching stems 
(UBC U-Flora)
Fruit type: Capsule, edible 
Colour: purple, black, dark dark red
Time: july august september
  - Full sun, filtered shade
Preferred soil
  - Acidic, well drained 
Landscape uses
 - floriculture, cut flowers
 - erosion control
 - mixed shrub boarder
 - woodland margin 
 - Seeds should be sown in the fall directly in the garden where they are to grow
 - Soft wood cuttings can be struck in mid summer
 - Sucker wood can be removed and transplanted in the fall or spring months 

 - Parasitic nematodes
 - Root weevils

Mahonia nervosa (Dull Oregan Grape)

Pronunciation: muh-HOE-nee-uh nur-VOE-suh

Family: Berberidaceae
Plant type: Broadleaf evergreen
Zone : 6 (-24 to-18 C)
Origin : BC west of Cascades, Mexico, U.S. northwest (BC) 
Mature size
  Height: 0.4 - 0.7 m
  Spread: 0.6 - 1.0 m
Form: mounded
Texture: Leathery, prickly 
Habit: spreading
Arrangement: compound, odd-pinnate, alternate
Shape: ovate, serrate 
Size: 9-19 leaflets, 4-7cm each, raceme up to 20 cm long
Margin: serrate, spiny teeth
Characteristics: palmate
Colour: green, turns red in the fall and over winter
Inflorescence type: Raceme
Colour: yellow
Size: raceme up to 20 cm long, segments of sixes, flowers 1-2 cm's
Time: may-june 
Colour: purple/red, green, inside is yellowish
Description: bark and wood
Fruit type: Clustered berries (true berry)
Colour: blue, 8-11 mm diameter, glaucous with few seeds, edible 
Time: August - September 
 - full sun
 - part sun/part shade 
Preferred soil
 - acidic
 - well-drained 
Landscape uses
 - group or mass planting, herb, reclamation, wood land margin
 - seed or cutting

 - rust

Mahonia aquifolium (Tall Oregan Grape)

Pronunciation: muh-HOE-nee-uh ack-wih-FOE-lee-um

Family: Berberideceae
Plant type: broadleaf evergreen 
Zone : 5 (-29 to -23C)
Origin : BC west of Cascades, U.S. northwest 
Mature size
  Height: 1.3 - 2 m
  Spread: 1-1.5 m 
Form: oval vertical
Texture: medium
KPU Plant Database 
Habit: stiffly upright
Arrangement: alternate sessile 
Shape: ovate
Size: 5-11 leaflets, more than twice as long as broad, 
Margin: dentate, undulent, 12-29 prominently spiny teeth
Characteristics: shiny above, less so underneath 
Colour: dark green
Inflorescence type: clustered recemes 3-8cm long
Colour: showy yellow
Size: segments of 6's, 0.3cm's to 1 cm
Time: April - May
UBC E-Flora
Colour: grey, brown
Description: smooth
Fruit type: True (berry)
Colour: Violet, blue, black 
Time: April - May 
 - full sun only if soil is kept moist, part sun/part shade
Preferred soil
 - acidic 
Landscape uses
 - mixed shrub boarder
 - security barrier, wildlife food, woodland margin
 - Seed, greenwood cuttings, division - below ground parts
 - Tall Oregon Grape Wine

  - rust (puccina rust), scale insects, leaf minor insects

Vaccinium obatum "Thunderbird" (Evergreen Huckleberry)

Pronunciation: vack-SIN-ee-um oh-VAY-tum

Family: Ericaceae
Plant type: Broadleaf evergreen
Zone : 7 (-18 to -12 C)
Origin : BC westcoast Cascades, Garden origin 
(KPU Plant Database) 
Mature size
  Height: 1.3m - 2m 
  Spread: 1 - 1.5 m
Form: round
Texture: medium - fine
Habit: arching, dense, upright
Arrangement: Simple, alternate 
Shape: ovate
Size: 2-5 cm long
Margin: serrate 
Characteristics: leathery, lustrous 
Colour: dark green, new growth = red
Inflorescence type: floriferous, flowers clustered 
Colour: snowy white
Size: 7.5 mm long
(UBC E-Flora)
Time: April - May
Colour: red, tan, brown
Description: exfoliating 
Fruit type: true berry, globe-shaped, showy edible
Colour: purple, black
Time: September - October 
 - deep shade
 - filtered shade
 - full sun, part sun/part shade
Preferred soil
 - acidic
 - humus rich 
 - well drained 
Landscape uses
 - attract birds
 - floristry 
 - ground cover
 - group or mass planting
 - spring interest 
 - urban agriculture 
 - wildlife food 
(Plant Database)
 - woodland margin 
 - cuttings 
 - when scavenging look in dry to moist open forests in the lowland and montane zones, frequent in SW BC
 - commonly found in coniferous forests 

 - dieback
 - galls
 - root rot 
 - rust
 - scale insects 


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