Picea abies 'Nidiformis' (Nest Spruce)

Picea abies 'Nidiformis' (Nest Spruce)

Pronunciation: py-SEE-ah AY-beez ni-DIE-form-is

Family: Pineceae
pianl2.jpgPlant type: Conifer
Zone: 3
Origin: Garden origin 
Mature size
  Height: 1.3-2 m
  Spread: 3-4m spread
Form: oval, horizontal
Habit: spreading
Arrangement: spiraled needle-like
Shape: acicular, linear, needle like
Margin: Entire
Characteristics: glabrous, prickly, soft, flexible 
Colour: green summer, green fall
pianl1.jpgFlowers: monoecious, male flowers are axillary and infrequent whereas female flowers are terminal, spread on the crowns of the trees and reddish pink
Inflorescence type: opposite
Colour: reddish pink
Size: 3-6mm
Time: persist through winter
Colour: green in youth, brown on established parts
Description: thin on young trees, thick with small thin, gray brown flaking surfaces on old trees
Fruit type: cylindrical cones
Colour: purple or green in youth, light brown at maturity
Time: persist through the winter
Exposure - full sun
Preferred soil - well drained
Landscape uses - Mass plant, mixed shrub boarder
Propagation - 

Pests - susceptible to red spider, spruce gall aphid, budworm and borers 


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