Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' (Emerald Cedar)

Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' (Emerald Cedar)

Pronunciation: THOO-yuh ok-sih-den-TAY-liss

Family: Cupressaceae
Plant type: Conifer
Zone: 3
Origin: Garden Origin 
Mature size
  Height: >5 m
  Spread: 1-1.5 m
Form: columnar
Texture: medium fine
Habit: tall, narrow, upright
Arrangement: scale like
Shape: scales
Size: 1mm scales
Margin: entire
Characteristics: leathery, glaborous surface, new growth yellow tinge
Colour: dark green, yellow new growth
Inflorescence type: n/a male cone
Colour: yellow
Size: 5-8mm
Time: April, May
Colour: cinnamon brown
Description: Folded rough texture
Fruit type: Cone (winged seeds)
Colour: Brown
Time: August, September
Exposure - Full sun
Preferred soil - Humus rich (organic matter), well-drained 
Landscape uses - Hedging, fast grower, screening, can be sheared, potential for accent plant
Propagation - Cuttings, Softwood cuttings
Comments - many cultivars for different purposes, another similar plant are western red cedar 'excelsa' narrowly grown
- Occidentalis meaning that it comes from the west
- monoecious 
Pests - pest and disease resistance


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