Pachysandra terminalis (pachysandra, Japanese spurge)

Pachysandra terminalis (pachysandra, Japanese Spurge)

Pronunciation: pak-ih-SAN-druh tir-mih-NAY-liss


Family: buxaceae
patel2.jpgPlant type: broadleaf evergreen, ground cover
Zone: 4
Origin: SE Asia
Mature size
  Height: 10-20 cm
  Spread: > 25m
Form: creeping/mat-like
Texture: coarse
Habit: spreading upright
Arrangement: Simple, alternate
Shape: Obovate
Size: >8 cm
Margin: Dentate
Characteristics: lustrous, leathery, pinnate venation, cuspidate, obtuse 
Colour: green
Inflorescence type: floriferous,spike
Colour: white
Size: 6-12 mm
Time: March, April
Colour: green
Description: herbaceous in spring, semi-woody by witer
Fruit type: 
Colour: white
Time: rare
Exposure - deep shade, filtered shade, part sun, shade
Preferred soil - acidic well drained
Landscape uses - ground cover, mixed shrub boarder, mass planting
Propagation - seed, cuttings, division - below ground parts
Comments - sought after as one of the best evergreen ground covers that strives in shade and low light areas

Pests - slugs, snails, dieback, mites, scale insects


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