Juniperus horizontalis cvs.

Juniperus horizontalis cvs. (Creeping Juniper)

juhoh1.jpgPronunciation: joo-NIP-ur-us hore-ih-zun-TAY-liss

Family: Cupressaceae
Plant type: Conifer, Ground Cover
Zone: 2
Origin: BC east and west of Cascades, central, north, and eastern Canada, central, northeast, northwest and southwest US
Mature size 
  Height: 20 - 40 cm
  Spread: 2-3 m
Form: Creeping/mat-like
Texture: fine
Habit: spreading
Arrangement: Scale like opposite
Shape: Deltoid scales
Size: scales: 1-2 x 1-1.5 mm; awl shaped juvenile leaves 5-10 mm long
Margin: entire
Characteristics: distinctive smell, glabrous, prickly acute, sheathing
Colour: bluish, green
Flowers: dioecious plant
Inflorescence type: n/a male cone
juhol1.jpgColour: brown
juhot1.jpgSize: 9-12 mm
Time: March, April
Colour: red, brown
Description: papery, exfoliating
Fruit type: cone
Colour: blue, dark blue with pale waxy residue
Time: September, October
Exposure - full sun
Preferred soil - rocky or gravelly or dry, well-drained
Landscape uses - Alpine, dryland (no watering), erosion control, filler, mized shrub border, reclamation, rock garden
Propagation - seed, softwood cuttings
Comments - green or silvery foliage with scale like leaves in sun, or pointed and prickly in shade
Pests - heart rot, mites, nematodes, rust, scale insects


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