Monstera deliciosa (split leaf philodendron)

Monstera deliciosa (split leaf philodendron)

Pronunciation: mon-STEER-uh duh-liss-ee-OH 


Family: Araceae
Plant type: indoor foliage plant
Zone: 11
Origin: Central America, Mexico
Mature size
  Height: 10-15 m
  Spread: 4-5 m
Form: climbing
Texture: coarse
Habit: arching spreading
Arrangement: simple alternate
Shape: ovate
Size: depends greatly on geographical area , can grow up to 3 feet long
Margin: entire
Characteristics: leaves split as they age giving it a swiss cheese look for a bit
Colour: green
Flowers - monoecious plant
Inflorescence type: spadix and spathe 
Colour: white
Size: medium large
Time: April, May, June, July and August
Colour: green (seldom brown grey)
Description: can wind and become woody in natural environment 
Fruit type: very seldom fruit
Exposure - full sun only with moist soil
Preferred soil - well drained constantly moist
Landscape uses - container planting, indoor plant
Propagation - seed, greenwood cuttings, layering
Comments - if growing indoors soil must be constantly wet if in full sun area
 - medium indoor temp and medium indoor light 

Pests - leaf miner insects, scale insects


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