Viburnum davidii (David viburnum)


Viburnum davidii (David viburnum)

Pronunciation: vye-BUR-num duh-VID-ee-eye
Family: Adoxaceae
Plant type: broadleaf evergreen
Zone: 6
Origin: SE Asia, Japan, China (Western)
Mature size
  Height: 1.3-2 m
  Spread: 1.5 - 2 m
Form: mounded
Texture: medium coarse
Habit: spreading
Arrangement: simple opposite
Shape: obovate, ovate
Size: 16-22 cm long x 4.8-5.4 cm
Margin: dentate, entire
Characteristics: heavily veined, leathery, palmate venation, glabrous, acuminate, cuneate, the two main veins run almost parallel to midrib, 1/3 of leaf near apex with toothed margin
Colour: green
vidaf2.jpgInflorescence type: corymb-like, cyme
Colour: showy, white
Size: 4-7 mm
Time: April May

vidat2.jpgColour: red, brown
Description: multi-stem trunk
Fruit type: drupe
Colour: blue (attractive metallic blue)
Time: July, August 
Exposure - full sun, part sun/shade
Preferred soil - well-drained
Landscape uses - attract birds, dryland - no watering, hedge row, mixed shrub border, small garden space, spring interest, winter interest, woodland margin
Propagation - sofwood cuttings, seed, cuttings

Pests - pest resistant, disease resistant, anthracnose, galls, mold, rust, wilt, fungal leaf spot, viburnum leaf beetle


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