Genista pilosa (spreading broom)

Genista pilosa (Spreading Broom)

Pronunciation: jih-NIS-tuh pih-LOE-zuh 


Family: Fabaceae
Plant type: Broadleaf evergreen
Zone: 5
Origin: BC west of Cascades, Europe, Garden Origin
Mature size
  Height: 20-40 cm
  Spread:1-1.5 m
Form: creeping mat-like, mounded
Texture: fine
Habit: dense, horizontal spreading
Arrangement: simple alternate
gepih1.jpgShape: oblanceolate
Size: 5-11 mm
Margin: entire
Characteristics: pinnate venation, soft flexible, glabrous, acute
gepil1.jpgColour: dark-green
Flowers Floriferous
Inflorescence type: Raceme
Colour: showy, yellow
Size: .9-1.3 cm, 5 petals
Time: April
Colour: herbacious green, tan and brown woody
Description: can look similar to a shrub
Fruit type: legume
Colour: grey, green, dull
Time: June
Exposure - Full-sun
Preferred soil - Well-drained
Landscape uses - rock garden, small garden space
Propagation - greenwood cuttings, softwood cuttings
Comments - familiar to Scott's broom but lacking invasive characteristics

Pests - mildew, scale insects


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