Akebia quinata (Chocolate vine)

chocolate vineAkebia quinata (Chocolate Vine)

Pronunciation: uh-KEE-bee-uh kwi-NAY-tuh
Family: Lardizabalaceae
Plant type: vine 
Zone: 5
Origin: Central China, Japan, and Korea 
Mature size
  Height: 7-10 m
  Spread: 3-4 m 
Habit: arching, twiggy
Form: climbing
Texture: medium
Exposure - full to part sun
Preferred soil - well drained
Landscape uses - arbor, trellis, screen 
Arrangement: compound alternate
Shape: oblong, ovate
Size: 3-6 cm x 2-4 cm
Margin: entire
Characteristics: pea family shaped, greenish bluish underside, glabrous, palmate venation, 
Colour: green, purple
Inflorescence type: floriferous, raceme
Colour: pink, purple, white, showy
Size: 2-3.5cm
Time: March, April
Colour: red brown
Description: lightly fissured 
Fruit type: follicle 
Colour: Blue, Purple, Magenta 
Time: September, October
Propagation - seed, greenwood cuttings, 
Comments - dioecious plant, vanilla scent, seed pods look like a chocolate plant
Pests - pest and disease resistance 


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