Vitis vinifera hybrids and cvs.

Vitis vinifera hybrids and cvs.

grapePronunciation: VYE-tiss vin-ih-LIFF-ur-uh
Family: Vitaceae
Plant type: Vine, climber
Origin: Europe, garden
Zone: 5
Mature size
  Height: 2-3 m
  Spread: 3-4 m
Habit: Pendulous, spreading
Form: climbing
Texture: coarse
Exposure - full sun, part sun
Preferred soil - humus rich, well drained
Landscape uses - espalier, urban agriculture, wildlife food, vineyards 
Arrangement: lobed, simple, alternate 
Shape: orbicular, cordate base
Size: 3-5 inches 
Margin: dentate, palmately lobed
Characteristics: palmate venation, soft flexible 
Colour: light green
Inflorescence type: floriferous, pannicle 
Colour: not showy , green
Size: 3 cm x 6 cm clusters
Time: June July
Colour: brown, chocolate cured 
Description: exfoliating
Fruit type: berry
Colour: green, black, purple, red, maroon 
Time: August to October 
Propagation - softwood, hardwood cuttings

Pests - mold, scale, mites


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