Alchemilla mollis (Lady's Mantle)

Alchemilla mollis (Lady's Mantle)

lady's mantle 
Pronunciation: al-kuh-MILL-uh MOLL-iss
Family: Rosaceae 
Plant type: Herbaceous Perennial
Zone: 4
Origin: Europe 
Mature size
  Height: 20-40 cm
  Spread:60-100 cm
Habit: dense spreading
Form: mounded
Texture: medium, coarse
Exposure - deep shade, filtered shade, part to full sunn
Preferred soil - rocky, gravelly, dry, well drained
Landscape uses - not a preferred plant by rabbit or deer 
Arrangement: basal
Shape: orbicular, circular , scalloped leaves
Size: 5-11 cm
Margin: small toothed edge 
Characteristics: palmate venation, pubescent, very velvety texture
Colour: green
Inflorescence type:  floriferous raceme
Colour: showy green yellow
Size: 6-10 cm clusters of 1-2 mm flowers
Time: June July
Colour: green
Description: thin
Fruit type: achene
Colour: brown
Time: October, November 
Propagation - self seed, divide in fall or spring
Comments - companion plants: astilbe, hostas, ferns
- common underplanting under roses
- name comes from alchemist, thought it would help with the idea of turning water to gold (water droplets)

Pests - slugs snails


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