Hydrangea petiolaris (Climbing Hydrangea)

Hydrangea petiolaris (Climbing Hydrangea)


Pronunciation: hye-DRAIN-juh pet-ee-OH-lair-iss
Family: Hydrangeaceae
Plant type: Shrub, deciduous vine or climber
Zone: 4
climbing hydrangeaOrigin: S.E Asia
Mature size
  Height: 7-10 m
  Spread: 1.5 - 2m
Habit: Arching, spreading twiggy
Form: climbing
Texture: medium coarse 
Exposure - filtered shade, full sun
Preferred soil - well drained
Landscape uses - privacy screen, accent plant, arbors or trellis, tall background 
Arrangement: simple, opposite
Shape: elliptic 
Size: 9-12 cm x 5-7 cm
Margin: serrate
Characteristics: heavily veined, glabrous, acute 
Colour: dark green
Inflorescence type: corymb, panicle like, floriferous 
Colour: showy, white, pink 
Size: 6 inches diameter
Time: July August 
Colour: grey tan, green new growth 
Description: exfoliating multi-stem trunk 
Fruit type: capsule
Colour: brown
Time: September, October
Propagation - seed, hardwood cuttings, softwood cuttings
Comments - takes a long time to establish, often fills out at bottom before gaining height 

Pests - nematodes


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