Hemerocallis cvs. Stella d'oro' (Day Lilly)

Hemerocallis cvs. Stella d'oro (Day Lilly)

Pronunciation: hem-ur-oh-KAL-iss

Family: Xanthorrhoeaceae
Plant type: extremely adaptable perennial 
Zone: 3
Origin: Garden Origin 
Mature size
  Height: 20-40cm
  Spread: 30-60 cm
Form: Weeping
Stella d'Oro daylilyTexture: medium
Habit: arching
Exposure - full sun/part shade
Preferred soil -  everywhere... very wet to dry gravelly rocky 
Landscape uses - roadside (salt tolerant), extremely adaptable, seaside garden, dry slopes, by ponds 
Arrangement: basal leaf arrangement 
Shape: linear
Size: 20-40 cm
Margin: entire
Characteristics: parallel venation 
Colour: green
Inflorescence type:  floriferous, cyme
Colour: yellow/orange
Size: 5-9 cm
Time: June to first hard frost
Colour: green
Description: stiffly upright
Fruit type: capsule
Colour: brown
Time: July-October
Propagation - division, seperation
Comments - continuously blooming all summer, typically flowers last only one day 

Pests resistant 


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