Carpinus betulus (European Hornbeam)

Carpinus betulus (European Hornbeam)

cabet1.jpg pyramidal European hornbeam

Image result for european hornbeam leafPronunciation: kar-PINE-us BET-yoo-lus
Family: Betulaceae 
Plant type: Deciduous tree
Origin: Europe 
Zone: 5
Mature size
  Height: 22-30 m
  Spread: 15-25 m 
Habit: Fastigiate, Stiffly upright, Twiggy
Form: Oval - vertical, pyraidal, narrowly, round
Texture: medium
Exposure - full sun
Preferred soil - well drained 
Landscape uses - street tree, mass planting, hedge row 
Arrangement: simple alternate 
Shape: elliptic, ovate 
Size: 3-10cm x 3-4 cm
Margin: dentate, serrate
Characteristics: heavily veined, pinnate venation 
Colour: green, yellow in fall 
Inflorescence type: catkin 
Colour: green yellow
Size: 2 cm x .5 cm
Time: april may
Fruit type: nut
Colour: brown
Time: September, October
Additional info: nut is 7-8 mm long with three pointed leafy involucre 3-4 cm long
Description: smooth, beautifully fluted
Colour: grey to dark grey
Propagation - cuttings
Comments - hornbeam refers to the dense horn like wood, and the use of the wood to make beams and ox-yokes
- monecious plant, has both male and female reproductive parts on same plant, the need for cross pollinating is unnecessary 
- often refurred to as the hardiest, heaviest and toughest of woods
- wood was historically used for wheel cogs, axils, spokes, tool handles, and butcher blocks 
- commonly used for bonsaii 

Pests - disease resistant, heteroptera, leaf hopper, spittle bug


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