Sagittaria latifolia (Arrowhead, Duck Potato, Wapato)

Sagittaria latifolia (Arrowhead, Duck Potato, Wapato)

Pronunciation: saj-ee-TAR-ee-uh lat-ih-FOE-lee-uh
Family: Alismataceae
Plant type: Aquatic Plant 
Zone: 5
Origin: North America 
Mature size
  Height: .7 - 1.3 m
  Spread: .6 - 1m
Habit: upright  
Form: irregular - vase
Texture: very coarse 
Exposure - Full Sun
Preferred soil - Bog
Landscape uses - aquatic, wetland, bog, pond
Shape: arrow shaped, triangle , deltoid 
Size: 4-24 inches x 3 - 10 inches
Margin: entire
Characteristics:  glabrous, upright, 
Colour: green
Inflorescence type: raceme 
Colour: white
Size: 2 cm , 3 petals 
Time: June 
Colour: green 
Description: distinct 
Fruit type: achene, aggrigate fruit
Colour: brown
Time: July, August 
Propagation - division
Comments - tuberous roots, great for eating (Rodents)
 - tuber roots can be eaten like potatoes, very sweet, can be turned into flower, was a very important food source in history
- leaves help with digestion, uses for wounds 
Pests -  rodents, muskrats 


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