Parthenocissus tricuspidata (Boston Ivy)

Parthenocissus tricuspidata (Boston Ivy)

Pronunciation: par-then-oh-SISS-us try-kuss-pih-DAY-tuh
Family: Vitaceae
Plant type: Vine, climber
Zone: 4
Origin: Eastern China 
Mature size
  Height: 15-22 m
  Spread: 10-30 m 
Habit: Spreading
Form: Climbing
Texture: medium - coarse
Exposure - anywhere
Preferred soil - anywhere
Landscape uses - fall interest, screening, wildlife food, invasive properties 
Arrangement: simple, alternate
Boston ivy Shape: ovate
Size: 10-14 cm
Margin: Dentate, pinnately lobed 
Characteristics: red fall color, soft flexible, lustrous, acuminate 
Colour: Green 
Inflorescence type: panicle 
Colour: green yellow
Size: 3-5 inch clusters 
Time: July august
Colour: grey brown
Description: prominent lenticels, lightly fissured
Fruit type: berry
Colour: blue black
Time: September, October
Propagation - seed, cutting, layering, division 
Comments - modified stem tendrils, needs constant pruning if over an arbor 

Pests - pest and disease resistance 


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