Abies grandis (Grand Fir)

Abies grandis (Grand Fir)

Pronunciation: AY-beez GRAN-diss
Family: Pinaceae
Plant type: conifer
Zone : 6 (-24 to -18)
Origin : BC east and west of Cascades, U.S northwest
Mature size
  Height: >30m 
  Spread: 10-15 m
Form: Columnar, Pyramidal - narrowly
Texture: medium
Habit: Upright
Arrangement: alternate
Shape: needle-like
Size: 1-4 cm
Margin: entire
Characteristics: linear, rounded, simple
Colour: green
Inflorescence type: male cone, female cone - winged seeds
Colour: brown 
Size: 5-10 cm
Time: september to october 
Colour: grey
Description: moderately fissured, thin resin blisters
Fruit type - coned or winged 
Colour: green
Time: september - obtober
 - Filtered shade, full sun
Preferred soil
 - Well drained soil
Landscape uses
 - Forestry, specimen plant
 - seed
 - Other ideas may be a finishing salt, finishing sugar, or elixer 
"...the oils of firs are warming and invigorating, “their straight-forward energy brings confidence and courage” while relieving nervous exhaustion and stress. "

 - aphid
 - adelgid 


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