Pinus mugo (mugo pine)

Pinus mugo (mugo pine)


Pronunciation: PYE-nus MYOO-go
Family: Pinaceae
Plant type: Conifer
pimul2.jpgZone: 2 (-46 to -40 C)
Origin: Europe 
Mature size
  Height: 3-5 m
  Spread: 3-4 m
Form: Irregular, mounded, pyramidal, widely
Texture: medium
Habit: irregular
Arrangement: need-like, fascicles
Shape: Acicular
pimuh5.jpgSize: 4-6 cm
Margin: serrulate 
Characteristics: parallel venation
Colour: green
Inflorescence type: n/a (male cone)
Colour: green - yellow
Size: 2-4 cm
Time: March, April
Colour: grey brow
Description: plated
Fruit type: cone, winged seeds
Colour: brown
Time: September, October 
Exposure - full sun
Preferred soil - acidic well drained
Landscape uses - group or mass planting
Propagation - seed
Comments - tree has long candles that look like they are flipping you off

Pests - crown rot, rust, scale insects 


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