Thuja plicata (Western red cedar)



Thuja plicata (Western red cedar)

Pronunciation: THOO-yuh ply-KAY-tuh

Family: Cupressaceae
Zone: 6 (-23 to -18 C) 
Origin: BC west of Cascades, US northwest
Plant type: Conifer
Mature size
thplt1.jpg  Height: >30 m
  Spread: 10 - 15m
Form: Pyramidal - widely 
Texture: medium
Habit: upright
Arrangement: Imbricate, opposite
Size: 7-15 cm
Shape: Rhomboidal
Margin: entire
Characteristics: Acute, sheathing, 
Colour: green to orange brown in fall
Inflorescence type: n/a male cone, Morphology: Dioecious plant
Colour: brown 
Size: 4-8 cm
Time: March April
Stem, Bark:
Colour: Brown, red, tan
Description: exfoliating
Fruit type:
Colour: cone winged seed
Time: Jul, Aug, Sept
Exposure - full sun, part sun/part shade
Preferred soil - acidic, well drained
Landscape uses - Floristry, forestry, hedge row, mized shrob border, sheared hedge, specimen plant
Propagation - seed, cuttings, layering
Comments - immensely used by first nations on Vancouver island to make canoes 
 - textile for weaving
- smoking (cedar smoked salmon) Grilling with Cedar Planks

Pests - black fungus, reletively disease and fungus free, potential girdling from animals


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