Arbutus menziesii (madrona, arbutus)

Arbutus menziesii (madrona, arbutus)


Pronunciation: are-BEW-tus men-zeez-ee-ey
Family: Ericaceae
Plant type: Broadleaf evergreen
Zone: 7 (-18 to -12C)
Origin: BC west of Cascades, US - north/southwest 
Mature size
  Height: 22 - 30 m
armzh2.jpg  Spread: 10 - 15 m
Form: oval vertical 
Texture: medium course 
Habit: spreading, upright
Arrangement: simple alternate
Shape: oblong
Size: 5-10 cm
Margin: entire, serrate 
Characteristics: acute, obtuse, glabrous, lustrous
Colour: dark green
Flowers: floriferous
Inflorescence type: panicle
Colour: white
Size: 1-2 cm per flower
Time: May, June 
Colour: olive, orange, red, tan, brown
Description: showy, exfoliating
Fruit type: berry (true)
Colour: orange, red
Time: September, October 
Exposure - full sun
Preferred soil - acidic, rocky, gravelly, dry
Landscape uses - attract birds, native planting, shade tree, specimen plant, tall background, wildlife food, winter interest, woodland margin
Propagation - seed, greenwood cutting 
Comments - bark photosynthesizes as well as the leaves
 - often found on rocky outcrops
 - Canada's only native broadleaf evergreen tree

Pests -  fungal leaf spot, root rot, (e.i. phytophthora cactorum and nattrassia magiferae, fusicoccum aesculi)


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