Mahonia nervosa (dull oregan grape or long leaf mahonia)

Mahonia nervosa (Dull Oregan Grape)

Pronunciation: muh-HOE-nee-uh nur-VOE-suh

Family: Berberidaceae
Plant type: Broadleaf evergreen
Zone : 6 (-24 to-18 C)
Origin : BC west of Cascades, Mexico, U.S. northwest (BC) 
Mature size
  Height: 0.4 - 0.7 m
  Spread: 0.6 - 1.0 m
Form: mounded
Texture: Leathery, prickly 
Habit: spreading
Arrangement: compound, odd-pinnate, alternate
Shape: ovate, serrate 
Size: 9-19 leaflets, 4-7cm each, raceme up to 20 cm long
Margin: serrate, spiny teeth
Characteristics: palmate
Colour: green, turns red in the fall and over winter
Inflorescence type: Raceme
Colour: yellow
Size: raceme up to 20 cm long, segments of sixes, flowers 1-2 cm's
Time: may-june 
Colour: purple/red, green, inside is yellowish
Description: bark and wood
Fruit type: Clustered berries (true berry)
Colour: blue, 8-11 mm diameter, glaucous with few seeds, edible 
Time: August - September 
 - full sun
 - part sun/part shade 
Preferred soil
 - acidic
 - well-drained 
Landscape uses
 - group or mass planting, herb, reclamation, wood land margin
 - seed or cutting

 - rust


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