Vaccinium obatum (Evergreen huckleberry)

Vaccinium obatum "Thunderbird" (Evergreen Huckleberry)

Pronunciation: vack-SIN-ee-um oh-VAY-tum

Family: Ericaceae
Plant type: Broadleaf evergreen
Zone : 7 (-18 to -12 C)
Origin : BC westcoast Cascades, Garden origin 
(KPU Plant Database) 
Mature size
  Height: 1.3m - 2m 
  Spread: 1 - 1.5 m
Form: round
Texture: medium - fine
Habit: arching, dense, upright
Arrangement: Simple, alternate 
Shape: ovate
Size: 2-5 cm long
Margin: serrate 
Characteristics: leathery, lustrous 
Colour: dark green, new growth = red
Inflorescence type: floriferous, flowers clustered 
Colour: snowy white
Size: 7.5 mm long
(UBC E-Flora)
Time: April - May
Colour: red, tan, brown
Description: exfoliating 
Fruit type: true berry, globe-shaped, showy edible
Colour: purple, black
Time: September - October 
 - deep shade
 - filtered shade
 - full sun, part sun/part shade
Preferred soil
 - acidic
 - humus rich 
 - well drained 
Landscape uses
 - attract birds
 - floristry 
 - ground cover
 - group or mass planting
 - spring interest 
 - urban agriculture 
 - wildlife food 
(Plant Database)
 - woodland margin 
 - cuttings 
 - when scavenging look in dry to moist open forests in the lowland and montane zones, frequent in SW BC
 - commonly found in coniferous forests 

 - dieback
 - galls
 - root rot 
 - rust
 - scale insects 


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