Mahonia aquifolium (Tall Oregan Grape)

Mahonia aquifolium (Tall Oregan Grape)

Pronunciation: muh-HOE-nee-uh ack-wih-FOE-lee-um

Family: Berberideceae
Plant type: broadleaf evergreen 
Zone : 5 (-29 to -23C)
Origin : BC west of Cascades, U.S. northwest 
Mature size
  Height: 1.3 - 2 m
  Spread: 1-1.5 m 
Form: oval vertical
Texture: medium
KPU Plant Database 
Habit: stiffly upright
Arrangement: alternate sessile 
Shape: ovate
Size: 5-11 leaflets, more than twice as long as broad, 
Margin: dentate, undulent, 12-29 prominently spiny teeth
Characteristics: shiny above, less so underneath 
Colour: dark green
Inflorescence type: clustered recemes 3-8cm long
Colour: showy yellow
Size: segments of 6's, 0.3cm's to 1 cm
Time: April - May
UBC E-Flora
Colour: grey, brown
Description: smooth
Fruit type: True (berry)
Colour: Violet, blue, black 
Time: April - May 
 - full sun only if soil is kept moist, part sun/part shade
Preferred soil
 - acidic 
Landscape uses
 - mixed shrub boarder
 - security barrier, wildlife food, woodland margin
 - Seed, greenwood cuttings, division - below ground parts
 - Tall Oregon Grape Wine

  - rust (puccina rust), scale insects, leaf minor insects 


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