Erica carnea (winter heather)

Eric carnea (winter heather)

Pronunciation: ER-ee-kuh KAR-nee-uh
winter heather 
Family: Ericaceae
Plant type: Broadleaf evergreen, ground cover
Zone: 4 (-34 to -29 C)
Origin: Europe     
Mature size
  Height: 0.2 - 0.4 m
  Spread: 0.6 - 1 m
Form: creeping, mat like, mounded
Texture: fine
Habit: dense spreading
Arrangement: whorled
Shape: acicular, linear
Size: whorls of 4
Margin: entire
Characteristics: rounded, aute, apiculate, glabrous, lustrous
Colour: green to dark green
Flowers, perfect
Inflorescence type: Raceme
Colour: showy, white, violet, pink, red, dark-red
Size: 1 cm wide 6-10 cm tall
Time: Jan, Feb, March, April, Dec
Description: brown
Fruit type: capsule
Colour: brown
Time: May, June
Exposure - full sun, part sun/shade
Preferred soil - well drained
Landscape uses Container planting, erosion control, filler, fragrance, group or mass planting, rock garden, spring interest, winter interest
Propagation  seed, green wood cuttings
Comments - tolerant of alkaline soils, was used to dye wool, How to grow winter heather in a pot

Pests pest resistant, disease resistant, root rot, rust


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