Euonymus fortunei 'emerald n' gold' (winter creeper)

Euonymus fortunei 'emerald n' gold' (winter creeper)

Pronunciation: you-ON-ih-mus fore-TYOO-nee-eye

eufot1.jpgFamily: Celastraceae
Plant type: broad-leaf evergreen, ground cover, vine or climber
Zone: 9 (-29 to -23C)
Origin: garden
Mature size
  Height: 0.4 - 0.7 m
  Spread: 1.5 - 2m
Form: climbing, creeping, mat like, irregular mounded
Texture: medium - fine
Habit: arching, dense, horizontal, spreading
Arrangement: Simple, opposite
Shape: elliptic, ovate
Size: 2-6 x 1-3 cm
Margin: serrate
Characteristics: cordate, truncate, leaves are variegated,
Colour: green, yellow, bright green with bright yellow margins that tint pink in winter, in fall: green yellow, pink, red
Inflorescence type:
Time: June, July
Stem: bark
Colour: grey
Description: corky *adventitious roots, aerial roots
Fruit type: Capsule
Colour: orange, brown
Time: October
Exposure - full sun
Preferred soil - well-drained
Landscape uses - container planting, erosion control, filler, group or mass planting, winter interest
Propagation - green wood cuttings, softwood cuttings, hardwood cuttings, layering
Comments - one of the hardiest evergreen climbers, some species are known as weeds as they can invade entire neighborhoods
Pests - pest resistant, disease resistant


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